Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Pray for Moore Oklahoma

I'm sure most of y'all know about the tornado that went through
Moore Oklahoma yesterday. It went 2 miles south of
our home but our rent house received damage. Structure
still good though and luckily it is empty at the moment.
across the street the movie theater that we were at less
then 24 hours before sustained damage. Our bowling alley
and bank are wiped out. The gas station that my husband always
goes to is no longer... Such sadness.

My husband and I have a few friends that have lost
everything. One of which is having a baby
tomorrow. Other friends don't have roofs but are 
still able to salvage household items. I'm so thankful
that all our friends and family are safe. I am aslo
thankful to the Moore school district for taking quick
measure to keeping the kids at WHS and not letting them leave.
My sister took a picture from school of the tornado.
It was less then 1/2 mile away from them.

Please keep everyone here in your thoughts and prayers.
The Lord is still on His throne and He knows
what everyone is going through. the people of
Moore are strong and so many have come
to help search for people and clean up.

My sisters picture from the school office:


  1. Oh Hillary, the picture your sister took is so frightening! I'm glad you and your home(s) are okay... praying for your community!

  2. Hillary, so glad you are safe! I know that God is great and good and his mercy and love will uphold you and your community as they heal from this tragic event. We are continuing to pray for you and all affected that his peace that surpasses understanding will comfort you and your community as you recover from such a devastating loss...
